
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Halloween party ideas!

Are you throwing a Halloween party? If you are, here are some great tips to make your party the most fang-tastic one in your neighborhood!

Monster Footprints
With a magic marker, draw a footprint in a big sponge. Cut out the footprint. Pour washable paint in an 1/8 inch aluminum pan. Press the sponge in the paint and sponge footsteps up your sidewalk to your front door for trick-or-treaters to follow, or around the side of your dark, spooky house. Flip the sponge upside down to stamp the other foot.

Green Pumpkins
Carve green peppers as jack-o-lanterns! You can have a whole row of them, and there are yellow and red peppers to try as well. Have a whole army of scary faces to greet goblins at your door.

Crumple up a piece of tissue paper into a ball. Place it into the center of a flat piece of tissue paper. Pick up the corners of the flat tissue and twist it around the ball. Tie a twist tie or a piece of string around the ghosts's neck. Draw a face with a felt pen. You can hang them up all over the house! You can also glue on yarn, and make a black hat and cape from colored paper to make a witch!

Bobbing Ghosts
Start with a piece of cheesecloth 2 yards long and 1 yard wide. Place a helium filled balloon in the middle of the fabric and gather loosely around the balloon. Draw a horrid mask on the cloth with a felt pen. You can put some ghosts in a box and when people open the box the ghosts will float up and scare everyone! Or, you can attach them onto a string in front of an open window or a fan and watch them gently move in the breeze.

Icky Cobwebs
Cut some string into 4 foot lengths and tape them to the ceiling. You should have a very dim room for this. Just before the victim arrives you can hold a bowl of water up to the string and get it wet. When people walk in the wet, slimy string will brush across their foreheads and scare them!

Food Body Parts
This is a good decoration for a dimly lit room at party time. Have several bowls of body parts displayed to horrify your friends. Cut up a bunch of hot dogs lenghwise for severed fingers.Cook some spaghetti noodles and add some red and blue food coloring for veins. A bunch of cocktail onions rolling around in a bowl looks like eyeballs. Fill a red balloon with warm water and spread it with strawberry jam. Invite your guests to touch your brain!

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