
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Partying for St. Patrick's Day

If you want a reason to throw a party, why not throw one for St. Patrick's Day? This holiday is coming up in about a month (March 17th), and it would be a great idea to start planning for it now! We have gathered up some great party ideas for you to steal. 
Four Leaf Invitations
Fold white card stock or construction paper in half to form a card. Create a shamrock from green construction paper by cutting out 4 small hearts and a stem. Glue the shamrock to the front of the card and outline with gold glitter or gold glitter glue.

Inflate several balloons in white and different shades of green. Yellow balloons will add some color and represent gold. Hang streamers in rainbow colors from the ceiling and walls, and use green cups, plates and napkins for serving your goodies.

St Patrick's Day Foods
Serve as many green and yellow foods as your imagination will allow. Think green crunchy celery and cucumbers coupled with ranch dressing for dipping. Yellow squash sliced into rings make fun edible “coins”.
For sweet treats, mix white cake batter and a few drops of green food coloring. Make cupcakes and decorate with green tinted frosting, topped off with yellow and white sprinkles. For a different twist, use white frosting topped with yellow decorating sugar. Round cookies can be decorated as coins, or use a shamrock-shaped cookie cutter and decorate with green sprinkles or sugar.

To wash it all down, choose green juice or add a little green food coloring to milk for a fun green drink!

Quickie St Paddy's Day Crafts
Provide your guests with 1 or 2 green chenille stems as they arrive. Form the chenille stems into shamrocks that they can either glue to their goodie bags or take home to show to their family.
Print out some of our St. Patrick’s Day coloring pages. Hand them to guests as they arrive and ask them to help decorate by coloring the pages. When they’re finished hang the pages on the walls for display.

Games to Play
Any traditional party game can be transformed to fit a holiday. The classic game of pin the tail on the donkey, for example, can be made into pin the stem on the shamrock, or pin the hat on the leprechaun. You can also make a typical bucket toss game into a pot of gold toss by wrapping black construction paper or felt around empty coffee cans or similar containers, and have children toss fake gold coins into them. The idea is to stand behind a designated line and try to get the coins into the bucket to win a prize.

Party Favors
Here’s a fun and creative project to put together before the kids go home. Have them decorate their goodie bag when they arrive by using markers, construction paper, glue, scissors, stickers and glitter glue. Be sure their name is on their bag and set them aside to dry while they enjoy the party. When it’s time to go home, fill their decorated goodie bag with their take-home treats!

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